Latest update

Weddings and civil partnerships may take place with no legal limit on attendees and are permitted in specified locations with appropriate measures in place.

In Staffordshire this means:

Weddings and civil partnerships may take place for the number of people shown on a building’s licence and risk assessment with appropriate measures in place.

The “no legal limit” on attendees is subject to the numbers shown in the risk assessment and license.

For registration office ceremonies, the maximum attendees each room can hold are:

  • Burton – 40+ Bride and Groom
  • Cannock – 30+ Bride and Groom
  • Lichfield – 50+ Bride and Groom
  • Newcastle – 50+ Bride and Groom
  • Stafford – 50+ Bride and Groom / for a statutory wedding/CP at Stafford, the couple and two witnesses only
  • Leek – 50+ Bride and Groom

For licensed venues, up to a maximum number of people, or fewer, shown in their risk assessment and license.

Face masks may be worn, and people should still remain cautious when mixing with others.

Please note: Staffordshire Registration Service will keep some social distancing measures in place at its sites.

More information

Please see the latest Government guidance for more information.

If you have a general enquiry please email or call 0300 111 8000.

If you have contacted us via email, we are currently dealing with a high volume of enquiries and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you.